Jack Gunter is a rare combination of artist, writer, filmmaker, antique expert, and innovator. His paintings hang in museums and important private collections; his books have a large and loyal following; his new film will be released this winter; his inventory of early industrial lighting ranks with the best in the country; his experimental paintings and installations use phosphorescent pigments, UV light effects, and burst out in a dark room like 3-D holograms.
About Jack Gunter
A self taught artist using the ancient technique of egg tempera painting, he exhibited his large format works in several New England museums and was included in an Andrew Wyeth and Family show in the Sharon, N.H. Art Center in 1979. That year a studio fire claimed all of his existing paintings and landed him in Washington State with a pick up truck, his dog, and the clothes on his back.
He settled on an island in Puget Sound when he discovered that he was the only person in a thousand mile radius who wanted mission oak objects and the Northwest was chock full of Mr. Stickley’s furniture.
Since moving to Camano Island he has created over one thousand additional paintings, three movies as a SAG indie filmmaker, and six books — an illustrated guide to Northwest history narrated by a flying pig: “A Pictorial History of the Pacific Northwest Including the Future”, four novels in the Wally Winchester adventure series: “Original Finish”, “The Egg Rocker”, “Mother of God”, “Soft Focus”, and “Masterpiece Fever,” along with the science textbook published by Avon Books, NY, NY in 1974.
He lives in a cliff-side cabin with views of the Olympic Mountains, eagles, and spouting whales out his front window while he works on new paintings, his film, and a memoir.
Wally Winchester Adventures